Big news: DistributorCentral is now part of OMG

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Transform the way you procure accurate product data with OneSource.

Get standardized supplier product data for your e-commerce website with our fast and reliable API that offers instant access to validated product data from over 350 suppliers.

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Stop using SOAP/XML for PromoStandards!


Give your development team a modern, time-saving solution to PromoStandards with OneSource's REST API


OneSource connects the entire promo industry!

Suppliers, Distributors, and Service Providers can become PromoStandards compliant and share product data easier than ever with added benefits like a one-time integration, version translation service, and more! 

Validated product data

Get accurate data with OneSource’s exclusive data validation feature. Our tried and true validation catches errors and allows suppliers to quickly correct issues so you can feel confident that the product data is right the first time.

One-time integration

Save time by accessing product data from over 350 suppliers with one set of credentials through OneSource. Our single API eliminates the need for you to create unique connections to each supplier!

Easy data management

Streamline your process of getting product data from suppliers and increase the quality of data on your website with OneSource's standardized & validated product data.

Version translation service

Select a PromoStandards version you wish to work with and we’ll translate every supplier’s data to fit that version so you can adopt new versions at your own pace.

Fast & reliable API

Acquire accurate product data at lightning-fast speeds using our API that can easily handle millions of requests, has a response time of less than 200ms, and includes data validation, specific to OneSource.

Instant access to new suppliers

Get instant access to new and current supplier data with a single integration. We’ll request access to new supplier data automatically so you can focus on selling!

Register today and see for yourself how OneSource can streamline your data management.

Visit our Help Center  and learn how to use features in OneSource!

available in OneSource

View all suppliers in OneSource 

The industry’s only validated product database and API is available at no cost to you!

Do you have a DistributorCentral account? 

You don’t need an account with OneSource to get PromoStandards compliant data unless you’re a developer who needs API access.

Join thousands of other distributors who already have access to more than 350 suppliers’ products through their FREE DistributorCentral account.

Sign Up with DC Today!  Learn More

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Developers - Sign up for access to the OneSource API!

Get signed up in just 3 simple steps.

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Sign in and access your API credentials to get started.
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Send us your information and someone from our OneSource team will contact you.

OneSource is the result of a vision that started more than two decades ago at DistributorCentral. It was built from the ground-up to make PromoStandards attainable for every company in the Promotional Products industry regardless of the company’s technical expertise or size. OneSource is a single and affordable solution for suppliers to offer PromoStandards data.

Become a member of OneSource by signing up today!

A product of DistribtutorCentral